Quaker Camps & Retreats
2025 Quaker Youth Camp Dates
High School (grades 9-12) June 10-15
Middle School (grades 6-8) June 16-20
Little Fry (grades K-2) June 20-22
Elementary (grades 3-5) June 24-27
Registration opens on April 1, 2025
Summer Camp Rules and Regulations
1. Respect-- the grounds, your counselors, directors, volunteers, camp staff, and campers.
2. Shoes must be worn at all times except in the cabins, Tall Oaks, or pool area or in a specific game.
3. No alcohol or smoking on grounds.
4. No food or drinks allowed in cabins. Water is ok.
5. Chasing golf carts or gator is not permitted.
6. No climbing on roofs of buildings or roof of playhouse on playground.
7. Must wear life jacket when canoeing.
8. No glass in pool area.
9. No boys in girls cabins and no girls in boys cabins. No campers in staff cabins.
10. No one in dining hall kitchen except camp staff.
11. Stay away from the blue house and RV area.
12. Do not take pictures of other campers while in bathhouse or while undressing in cabins.
13. No camper is allowed in another cabin without permission of the counselor.
14. No campers are permitted to leave their cabin after the campers have been sent to their rooms for the night. If you need the nurse or other assistance late at night, please come yourself or send another counselor.
15. You and your students are financially responsible for any damage done to the cabin. This includes accidental damage due to horseplay!
Go to the IAYM youth and young adult website HERE to register and for all additional
information about summer camps and other youth and young adult happenings
HERE is a list of what to bring to camp
Pictures from camp found HERE
If you don't see your pictures and would like to contribute, please send to campquakerheights@gmail.com